
Values are ideals or principles that have relative worth, merit or usefulness. They are helpful in the identification, explanation, clarification and characterizations of our church’s mission and vision. Although they are not exclusive, they provide continuity through all MVC ministries and activities.

biblical authority

We believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God and is the final determinate of our life style, perspective, response to life and disciplemaking. We believe the Bible takes precedence over any church tradition or human opinion.

worship and prayer

We are committed to corporate worship that is Christ-centered, dynamic, celebrational in spirit and relevant in expression for all age groups. We believe the worship of our Lord should be expressed with all our heart, soul and mind. We believe that prayer draws us into a deeper intimacy with God and is foundational to everything we do at MVC.

evangelism and disciple making

We believe that the Great Commission demands that we be committed to reaching people for Christ. We believe the Great Commission makes it incumbent upon us to have an intentional strategy for disciple making. We believe that evangelism (including pre-evangelism) is the starting point and indispensable catalyst to all disciple making. Thus, we are committed to the intentional development and maintenance of an infrastructure for evangelism and disciple making.

We believe that the Great Commission mandates the local church’s active involvement and support of Missions agencies, missionaries and national church leaders in lands around the world. We support World Missions through prayer, faith-promise giving, and going.

world missions

We believe that a plurality of leadership in the church is a New Testament principle. Elders give oversight, model godliness and shepherd God’s flock. We believe that the Senior Pastor has a unique function within this multiple leadership structure; He is to function as a leader to the leaders, a leader among the leaders and a leader under the leaders. Additionally, Deacons assist the elders in ministering to the needs of the body.


We understand that we as believers cannot earn acceptance before God, but are freely accepted because of our faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ. Therefore, we should encourage each other to live godly lives motivated by God’s grace and our personal love for God rather than using guilt or legalism to motivate.


We believe every member is a minister. Therefore, our desire is that each church member grow as a disciple, be trained to use his/her gifts and to directly minister to Christians and non-Christians through the power of the Holy Spirit.


We believe our Lord’s command “to be one as I and the Father are one” has great implications for church unity. Therefore, we are committed to living and working in unity with one another that we might be a “beautiful expression” of the Lord Jesus in our community. We believe God has appointed our leaders and we submit to the authority He has placed in them. We will seek at all times to develop Christians who are characterized by love, grace and forgiveness and who resist stone throwing, gossip, judging and unforgiveness.

church unity

We are committed to the small group as the primary building block of the church. Therefore, small groups will be developed to provide relevant Bible study, caring relationships, and outreach leading to personal accountability and discipleship. Also, we will offer small groups at multiple commitment levels to develop sequential growth for disciples.

small groups

We believe that our Lord’s ministry upon this earth was, without accepting sinful behavior, loving, accepting, and welcoming. Therefore, we believe the ministry of the church should be equally loving, accepting, and welcoming. Without compromising the Word of God, we will attempt to “major on the major and minor on the minor.”  Augustine said it best. “In the essentials, unity. In the non-essentials, diversity. In all things, charity.”  In the essentials for salvation, there must be unity. However, in the non-essentials, there should be room for diversity of opinion. In all things, there should be love. We believe this love will be manifest in grace and understanding of each other’s differentness.

Loving, Accepting, Welcoming

We place high value on our youth and young adults. We will minister to and equip the next generation so that they will have a legacy of faith. We desire to see our young people fulfill God’s calling on their lives.

next generation

We believe healthy and loving relationships are indispensable to spiritual growth and church health. We are committed to supporting the family, beginning with the husband and wife, as the fundamental unit of God’s creation. Therefore, we will endeavor to help believers develop a qualitative family live. The family must have priority in the strategy of making disciples.


We want integrity, authenticity, excellence and balance to permeate every area of church life and relationship as we seek to follow Christ.

overall balance