Live Services Resume beginning May 17, 2020

Church family, 

This Sunday we will be live-streaming and opening the service for live worship for all who want to come. We want to exercise an abundance of caution as we open up the worship service. Therefore, with our families’ health and well being in mind, we are planning on the following procedures for Sunday mornings beginning on May 17th:

1. Sunday 10:45 AM worship only. There will be no Sunday School on-campus.

2. No Nursery or Children’s Church.

3. No Greeters.

4. Families/couples/individuals will be seated on every other row.

5. There will be no passing of offering plates. Offering plates will be at each door.

6. The balcony will be open in order to facilitate better social distancing. 

7. Children will sit with parents. However, if you have small children and they become restless or if you would prefer a more family friendly atmosphere, the Fellowship Hall will be set up with live-streaming for such. Lauren Unkefer, our Children’s Ministry Director, will be in this room to assist parents by directing each family to sectioned off areas where the parents can sit and listen to the sermon while their children will have a table and a small area to play with quieter toys. Lauren will be providing some toys to whoever needs them. They will be washed between each service. Of course, wipes and hand sanitizer will also be available. If you would like, you can bring your own quiet toys or even an electronic device and head phones so that your child could watch a Bible story during the sermon which Lauren will assist in finding.

8. Bulletins may be picked-up at the doors of the worship center.

9. There will be no greeting time. 

10. Adults will be asked to self-check temperature before choosing to come. However, if you are not able to do that, we will have ushers/deacons at each door with a touch-less digital thermometer.

11. For the safety and comfort of all, it is the feeling of the Elders and church staff that all children’s temperature should be check at the door as they enter MVC.

12. Feel free to wear a mask, if you like. If you don't have one, some will be available at each door as an option for any who wish to have one. 

13. Hand sanitizer will be available — along with our recommendation that each family bring their own as well.

14. In order to maintain social distancing, at the end of the service, ushers will dismiss congregants methodically (row by row). We encourage fellowshipping outside while maintaining social distancing. 

15. We encourage each member to use wise judgment about health concerns and not attend public services if medically at risk or concerned about other family members that could be affected.

16. We understand that there are several who may feel they can not come back just yet, therefore, Live-stream broadcast will also be provided for those remaining at home.

17. We ask that if your have been in contact with anyone who has been exposed to to Covid-19 in the last 14 days, please wait on coming back. 

Over this next few weeks, additional refinements to the above can be incorporated as appropriate. We ask for your patience with us as this process evolves. 

Please keep our pastor, children’s director, elders, and deacons in your prayers as we prepare for these upcoming Sundays. We desire to shepherd our church family in a way that protects, edifies, and strengthens all. Most importantly, we want to glorify God through all of this. 

The Elders of Mountain View Church