Do You Have A Personal Quiet Time With The Lord?
This is a follow-up to two messages I gave a few weeks ago entitled, “The Art Of Hearing God” and “Come To the Quiet.” These messages were to encourage everyone to see the importance of a personal “quiet time” with the Lord. I am attaching a “Personal Devotional Worksheet” that I created several years ago that can assist those who are serious about having a regular personal quiet-time.
I use this worksheet during my morning quiet times. I read a passage looking for insight into the passage that has personal application to the believer. For example, I am going through Acts presently. As I mentioned in one of the messages, there are some questions that can help one discover “insights” that have personal application to one’s life. Remember, the goal is to hear, in a personal way, from God. Some questions that can help as you walk through a passage are:
Is there any sin for me to avoid?
Is there any promise for me to claim?
Is there any victory to gain?
Is there any blessing to enjoy?
Is there any truth I have never seen before about God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, man, or sin?
What is the main thing I can learn here?
As you may note on the worksheet, the second thing I do is base my prayer on that insight along with the petitions for prayer that I have for myself, my family and church, on a separate prayer list. Then finally, I use the journaling section for any thoughts or impressions that I have had that morning or the day before. For example, yesterday I saw God orchestrate something about which I had prayed with Debbie the night before. I wrote about it in my journal section. Also, during my quiet time, I will read from one or two devotional books I have.
If the way you do your quiet time has been productive, stay with it. However, if you would like to use this “Personal Devotional Worksheet,” feel free to download it and make as many copies as you want. Regardless, let’s attempt make our theme this year (“Thy Kingdom Come...”) begin first in our time alone with God. This is so vital for every believer.