Mountain View Church

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The Lies We Believe

Over the years as I have spent much time in ministry and counseling, I have come to believe deeply that the Bible is so true when it speaks of Satan being a liar and murderer. Not only do I know it to be true because the Bible says so, but also because I have seen so many Christians who have been deceived by many of Satan’s lies.

The lies that Christians believe are attitudes, beliefs, and expectations that don’t fit reality. The problem is that many have been led to believe these are reality to the point that they are riddled with guilt, shame (false guilt), and misery. We may learn these lies through a variety of sources such as our parents, our friends, the culture in which we live, and even from fellow Christians. However, ultimately they are often initiated by the adversary himself, the Devil.

Here is the problem…there are many Christians who understand this intellectually but fail to recognize the lies that have crept into their own way of thinking. In fact, what has often astonished me is that I have encountered many Christians over the years who have a significant knowledge of God’s Word and yet, they do not see the lies for what they really are. Straight from the board room of hell, these lies not only paralyze Christians from effective service, but they destroy marriages and all other relationships.

That is why I am excited about our current series. The series helps to unveil the lies of Satan that hit so many of us every day. Thus far, we have looked at such lies as…

“God Is Holding Out On You”
“God Cannot Be Trusted”
“If It Feels Right, It Must Be True”
“God Hasn’t Really Forgiven You”

This Sunday’s message (Feb 24, 2013) is Lie #5– “I Must Have The Love and Approval of All.”